The new organizational piece we got for the closet.
The crib sheet, sleep sack, mobile, and wall art for our little girl.
The crib sheet, sleep sack, mobile, and wall art for our big boy! (and some paint colors off to the side too)
So I'm officially a little over 23 weeks and I think I am more nervous now then I was a week ago. As of 23 weeks the babies are officially viable. That means if I were to have these babies today they would do their best to resuscitate them. However, 23 weeks is WAY too early for any baby to be born and could lead to many life long complications. That being said I'm doing everything I know how to keep them inside my belly for many, many more weeks. I've been working 3, 8 hour shifts per week and I'm not going to lie it's been pretty nice to be home for dinner every night. It's kinda putting a dent into my PTO but that's a small sacrifice for a long term benefit. I still have contractions on and off throughout the day but the doctor said not to worry too much about them unless I have more then 6 in an hour. Thus far, at most I have 2 maybe 3 in an hour and then none for maybe 2 or 3 hours. When I have them I take it as my body telling me maybe I've been doing too much and I try and relax for a bit.
At 23 weeks the babies weigh just over a pound, as much as a large mango. Matt and I can now feel and see them moving underneath my skin...very weird but very neat at the same time! Blood vessels are developing in their lungs to prepare them for breathing. Loud noise start to become familiar now, such as Zoe and Bella barking, and hopefully won't faze them once they are outside the womb.
You look amazing! I got your shower invite in the mail...very cute! Sorry I can't make it:(
Making are doing great!
LOVE, LOVE the lady bug stuff!
These are so cute!!! I'm sorry I won't be able to make it out for your shower, I wish I could be there to see you in person and feel the babies moving! But gifts from Auntie Jordan will be arriving soon :)
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