Monday, January 21, 2013

Christmas plus...

While living in the moment it is sometimes hard to catch every single memory on my camera.  These are the memories from my camera but the memories in my mind are priceless.  This was a really fun Christmas with Oliver, Vivian and Violet.    

One of Vivian's favorite gifts was new panties!

Oliver got a new Thomas the train pillow!

Vivian is such a helper and helped Violet open all of her gifts.  

Their new play kitchen!  (Notice Vivian stripped down and put on a new pair of panties...there was no stopping her!)

Where's Vivian?  Can you see her in the middle of the all of the new toys and shredded wrapping paper scattered around?!  Notice now Vivian has put on her new jammies.  That girl loves to change clothes!

Oliver trying out his new Thomas the train toothbrush!

Fun in the snow!

Can't slow him down long enough to to get a picture but there's a smile on that face!

A side by side of all 3 of our kids.  My snow babies!

Happy snow princess!

Crazy hair = the sign of a good nap!

Isn't Vivian so pretty.  She put on some of Mommy's old makeup!

These are the type of self pictures I get if Vivian gets ahold of my!

A typical day.  The baby is half dressed...Oliver still in his jammies.  Oliver's in a phase where he doesn't love to change his clothes.  There are some days I don't feel like arm wrestling him into his clothes so he stays in his PJ's all day long...such is life :)  Vivian likes to change her clothes very quickly after waking up and she's very into picking out her own clothes.  She's very girly and he's all boy.   

This baby couldn't be any sweeter.  She's still up here and there in the night but will sleep a good 12 hours 50 percent of the time.  Still eating Alimentum but in the next weekish we are going to try "regular" formula.  Her pediatrician says we should know if she tolerates it within 24 hours.  If she doesn't tolerate the regular formula,  it's likely we will see the bloody stools just like we did before and we will simply just put her back on the Alimentum.  She eats 7ish ounces 4 times per day and eats baby food and oatmeal twice a day.  She loves to eat from a spoon and really has no patience for the bottles.  With her big brother and sister running around she much rather watch them then take time to drink a bottle.  Tooth #3 is poking through next to her bottom left tooth.  At this rate she's going to have a full set of bottom teeth before any top teeth join in on the fun!  Violet is just starting to wear some 6-9 month clothes and is wearing a size 3 diaper.  At her 6 month appointment, Violet weighed 16 pounds 15 ounces, which is the 65th percentile.  She is 16 and 3/4 inches tall, which is in the 59th percentile.  We love this little lady, her big sister and big brother more then words can explain.

 While not every minute is rainbows, butterflies and puppy dog tails (those moments include time-outs, temper tantrums and terrible twos)...
Each second, each day, each month is a blessing.