Thursday, December 27, 2012

Toot Toot...

Because this is my baby book of sorts I want to make sure I document our big milestones...and to me this is big!  So here I am going to toot Vivian's horn.

On Friday morning of last week Vivian insisted on wearing her big girl panties.  I was reluctant but as I've learned in the past two and a half years...pick your battles, Krista, pick your battles.  I tossed out her pink panties and she quickly went to work putting them on.  Prior to this, she's worn her panties around the house probably 3 times, for oh say, a couple hours each.  That's it.  She been practicing using the potty for probably about 6 months at her leisure.  Before bath I'd offer, if she occasionally woke up from nap dry, or sometimes she'd ask me to "see potty, Mommy".  I reminded her we don't pee pee in our big girl panties and if she did she would have to put a diaper back on.  Long story short, tomorrow marks one week of wearing panties full time without ANY accidents!  Who in their right mind would choose to potty train their child starting December 21st, which starts possibly the busiest craziest week of the year!?  I'd hardly call what's happened this last week "train".  We've been out and about at family Christmas parties, Christmas at the Zoo, outside playing in the snow and more.   I've been too busy to even remember to frequently ask her if she needs to go.  She tells me or the closest person around she's gotta go and off she runs!  Even though I've put a diaper on her for every nap she's woken up dry each day and the past 2 morning she's woken up dry too!  I shouldn't be surprised this is how it has worked out,  this little lady has had a mind of her own from day one.  She's determined, smart, witty, sneaky, sweet, loving and the best big sister I've met since my very own.

On December 26th Vivian officially turned 2 and 1/2.  Vivian Marie, I am beyond proud of you and I love you.

Oliver like Vivian prior to last Friday uses the potty when it's his idea.  I rarely offer it and let him ask me to go when he's wants.  But Oliver, don't worry, when you are ready to shine I will praise you equally but until then let me know when you want to "see Potty" and we will keep at it at your will.  You too are doing great!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Catch up!

Minnie and Mickey Mouse kiss their little pumpkin on Halloween.   

Matt and I found time to go to one more IU game for the season...we left the kids at home! 

First time to try a MumMum

Silly faces!

First time to try this a face of love?

A happy four month old!  She weighed 15 pounds 2 ounces.

At the big kid's school for a Thanksgiving celebration.  

Violet would like to try the turkey leg on Thanksgiving!

A new ornament to add to our collection!

We ventured out to the Christmas tree farm.  We took a wagon ride, saw animals, went down slides and more!  Violet stayed home because it was pretty cold out that day.  

Christmas love.  

Another trip to the Children's museum.  

An IU Mickey mouse hat made by our friend JoAnne!

Santa's little helper.

New big kid pillows.  Vivian's telling me "light hurts eyes" when I'm flashing the camera over and over.

School Christmas performance.  Vivian is sitting hidden behind the manger and Oliver refused to take his blue jacket off and put on the matching Frosty the snowman t-shirt.  This is the best picture I got because I was too busy trying to hid behind all the other parents so they wouldn't see me!  Neither cried because both were too busy sucking on their paci's.  (We will be saying bye bye to the paci's in the new year as soon as I get the courage to take them away).  All in all a win...they got up on the stage!

Happy 5 months her hair falls out what's left of it stands on end!  Violet has been teasing us and sleeping about 11 hours at night about 50% of the time, on her off night she's still up to eat just once.  She is wearing a size 3 diaper and size 3-6 month clothes.  She's a very happy girl who loves to find and grab her toes.  Violet already has her 2 bottom teeth!  She is still taking Alimentum about 6ish ounces 5 times per day.  She naps 3 times a day but napping isn't really her thing.  She'd much prefer to hang out with mommy, daddy and her brother and sister.  She's a nosey little lady and loves to watch everything that goes on around her especially her brother and sister playing.  She's recently discovered her voice and has been treating us to all sorts of high pitched shrills of joy.  She's tried, peas, sweet potatoes, carrots, pears and applesauce.  She's yet to turn her nose up! 

We are excited to celebrate Christmas and will be back to update again soon!