Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Vivian and Oliver turn 2!

I remember every detail from 2 years ago today.  It started at 3 AM when my water broke, followed by a 2:30 PM c-section and finally holding my babies in the special care nursery.  What a ride!  I wouldn't change a minute.  Who would have thought my little babies would grow up so fast?!  

Make a wish!

Opening gifts

A new fun water table!

On their actual birthday they woke up to a few more surprises...running through balloons and streamers!

Eating a a few goldfish crackers in their new chairs!

Daddy took the day off and we went to the zoo!

We ended their birthday with some celebratory ice cream...followed by a birthday bath!  


Joyce said...

That birthday was fun! Can't imagine all the adventures ahead in year three! Love these "big" kids!

Unknown said...

HOT DOG! Those kids are cute!

A week or so late, but Happy Birthday V and O! Two years already! Time does fly!