Hello! I promised more blogging so I'm going to do my best. If you didn't recieve your Christmas card from the Hursh Family this year, don't feel left out...we didn't send any out. Remember my last post? I lost my battery charger for my camera, my husband was out of town and on and on...I'll do better next year, I promise!
First and foremost I wanted to document what's going on with each of my little people at 18 months old.
Vivian Marie. Vivian has developed quite the personality. She's a little helper forsure. She loves to tend to her baby doll and push it around in it's stroller. Vivian will take a wipe and wipe the baby dolls hands and face just like I do to her. If you ask her to lay down to change her diaper she's usually happy to do so. She's a good helper and will happily throw away your trash and bring you anything you ask for. Vivian is wearing mostly 12 month clothing and size 4 diapers during the day and at night. Vivian is still very fond of her Soothie pacifer and takes it mostly during nap and bedtime along with her beloved lovie. This past week Vivian started developmental therapy for her speech or lack there of. Basically, we are just trying to keep her up to par with her peers. She was discharged from phyical therapy a couple of months ago and now a speech therapist comes once per week to try to encourage her to make new words. Her words right now include: bye bye, uh oh, bell bell (for the dog, Bella), lo (hello), dog, AW-VA-VA (Oliver) which she yells to get his attention like she may have heard me do a time or two :). She can sign please, more and all done.
Oliver Matthew. Oliver has a lot of energy and is all boy. He likes to run all over the house with his lawnmower, the grocery cart, the baby doll stroller or a truck. He loves balls and is big into tossing and kicking them right now. Oliver is wearing mostly 12-18 month clothing and size 4 diapers during the day and a size 5 diaper at night. Oliver loves his MAM pacifer and his lovie which he would love to drag around all day but we try to limit these to nap and bedtime. Oliver has a few more words, Da, Ma, Sid (for Sid the Science Kid), ball, bye, NO, car, bus, dog, cheese, corn, Pa (for grandpa) and more are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. I most frequently hear NO and Sid when he is requesting to watch his show. Oliver is a big fan of Sid and Elmo. He too can sign please, more and all done.
The second week of November Oliver and Vivian started daycare. They go to the same church day care just down the street that my neice, Josephine, attends. They go 2 days per week, Monday and Wednesday. The dropping off part isn't so fun but their teacher says they are only sad for a few minutes and then they are fine for the rest of the day. I try to work mostly Sunday and Tuesday nights with my weekends mixed in so I can sleep while they are at "school". It's been a nice change of pace and they are doing lots of fun stuff at school. I love all the pictures and craft projects they bring home. We are down to one nap per day, which happened around 17 months. One day Oliver didn't fall asleep for his morning nap and the same afternoon Vivian decided she didn't really need an afternoon nap. And that was the day I decided it wasn't worth the fight and they were telling me they only needed one nap. Now, bedtime is no later then 8:00 pm and when they were taking 2 naps bedtime was getting later and later because they just weren't tired. They go down for their nap around 12:45 PM and on a good day sleep until around 3:00PMish. They both usually wake up around 7:30 AM. Both have discovered it's a lot of fun to climb all over the couch and chairs and are very good at getting up and down safely. Christmas was a lot of fun this year but I'll save that for the next post and I promise it will have pictures!
Supported Employment: The End of an Era
1 week ago
1 comment:
I LOVE this age! They just seem to be so fun. They have all the energy and personality without the attitude. That comes soon! LOL!
Glad you are posting!
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