So this past week has been pretty uneventful and that is just how we like it! The ankles still swell a smidgen from time to time but just when I'm working. With the day off they are back to the ankles I know. I'm still feeling great. The only change this week is the increase in my appetite. Let's just say...I had a little ice cream yesterday morning....before noon! I'm toying with the idea of joining Matt in Tampa in a few weeks, while he'll be working I could sit at the pool...the last relaxation trip I could have before the babies join our family (externally that is, because they are already apart of our lives internally! Does that make sense?)
So this week the babies are the size of turnips (I don't know if I've ever actually held a turnip or seen one for that matter) weighing about 5 ounces each measuring 5 and a half inches long. The book says my uterus is the size of a cantaloupe....that's if I was having a singleton...look at me...seriously, I beg to differ! The babies can now do twists, rolls, kicks, and punches. I do feel the occasionaly twitch but as quick as it's's gone. I've ask them to do it again but they don't seem to obey very well yet..haha! Also, the babies now have the ability to hiccup...even though I won't be able to feel that for quite some time...still cute to imagine!
You look as cute as ever! And I'm sure my grandbabies are much cuter than turnips...hehehe! I am eagerly awaiting the day in 20+ weeks when we will meet them! Love, MOM
Love looking at your adorable little belly pictures! You look awesome momma! And take that "babymoon" to Florida with Matt... I would KILL to sit by a pool!
Oh my are too cute!!!! I am totally jealous!!!! I am wondering if the stretch marks might reach my neck with the third...:)
Whoa...2 weeks made a huge difference! Glad you're feeling great. And eat up that ice cream before noon all you want!
Congrats Krista! You were such a wonderful nurse mommy to Addyson, I have no doubt you are going to be a special mommy to these twins. So excited to hear this news and to share in your joy!
Feel free to eat as much Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream as you desire since it is a family favorite.....maybe it will be the babies favorite ice cream too. You look great!
Aunty M
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