So due to a crazy week 16 (work, husband out of town = lack of photographer, chasing 2 toddlers etc) I didn't get a picture of my ever growing belly. Rest assured I looked about the same as I did at week 17 :). I feel good and have gotten some of my energy back in my second trimester. Like I've said before, this pregnancy is going fast, too fast! Like with my first pregnancy, the only thing I would say I'm craving is sweets. I could eat cookies, cake or ice cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And just for my memory...I've gained about 10 pounds so far.
We had our big ultrasound the day I turned 19 weeks and 6 days. Like with my first pregnancy, I had a in-depth ultrasound and fetal ECHO. We are happy to report our baby measures right on track and its heart looks great. And remember how I said I wasn't sure I was going to be able to wait to find out the gender of our little baby...well, I couldn't wait! After working Matt over a little bit I convinced him we should find out if it was a boy or a girl. He then thought maybe we should keep it to ourselves until we delivered...I had to kinda "talk him into" sharing our good news. I just wanted everyone to be as excited as we are so with that being said...I am so excited to tell you that we are having a....
This is actually a good depiction of how life really baby in my arms at all times and one trying to steal the paper in my hands.
Still have a little lady, Vivian, eager to be picked back up.
Cute baby bump! Cute babies!
Love the hands sticking up from the bottom of the pics. And their dot paints should make them awful good bingo players in the future!
I've been terrible at keeping up with your blog, but I'm SO SO excited you're having another sweet baby girl! All our love and congratulations!
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