Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter 2011

We ventured out to church Easter morning and we didn't get kicked out of the service, haha...the babies did great!  We visited a church the babies had never been to.  Between the large crowd and the joyful (read "loud") music, the babies were a little overwhelmed for the first 20 minutes or so.  But both babies were more then happy to snuggle on our laps for the entire hour service (eating Puffs, paper and baby shoes).  

Great Aunt Donna and Vivian after church.  

Great Uncle John and Oliver have a chat after church.  

Self portrait of Aunt K-K and Josephine.  


Cute all the way down to her toes!  (Vivian looks forward to borrowing those cute shoes!)

Daddy and his girl.  

A photo series of the babies on Easter morning.  

Vivian "Aren't we supposed to be taking pictures, Mom?"

Easter 2011

I'm behind...

I'm behind...so here's just a massive post of pictures!  

Vivian's first ponytail!  

Vivian LOVES jewelry!  She's checking out Granny's earrings.  Oliver thinks it's funny!

We went to visit Matt's Grandma Bobby last weekend, she was thrilled to meet the babies for the first time!

Well hello there Grandma Bobby!

Our dear friend Oma lives in the same nursing home as Grandma Bobby.  I use to help take care of her Grandson, David.  Oma and Lois, David's mom, set Matt and I up on my first and last blind date...and the rest is history!  Vivian likes to give "pat pats".  

Lois and Vivian playing on the floor with their gifts from Lois and Oma.  Truth be told the babies loved the paper almost as much as the toys!

Lois and Oliver get acquainted.  

Oliver chats with Oma.  

Grandma Bobby and the whole family.  

Speaking of paper....this was a well loved book.  You can't turn your head for even one second.  We'll have to get another copy, it was definitely a favorite.  

Both babies really enjoy reading books.  

Oliver on the move at Grandma Pam's house.  

Vivian is a happy girl!

Aunt Mindy and Grandma Pam snuggle the babies.  

Monday, April 11, 2011


Due to the great weather here over the weekend we finally made it to the park where there were some age appropriate swings for my babies!  We had such fun (so much fun Oliver considered a snooze in the swing...never mind the other 75+ adults and children running around him celebrating the great weather, he was taken back to his newborn naps in the swing!)

We also ventured out to get our 9 month photos taken...they went "ok", not as many smiles as the 6 month photos.  OK, truth be told...Oliver was all smiles, Vivian was a little hesitant to be out of my or my mom's arms.  Needless to say...I was sweating, out of breath from dancing around and making funny faces and my wallet was a little lighter by the time the photo session was over (smiles or not!).  

The babies are eating more and more "big people food" every day!  Blueberries, pears, bananas, green beans, black beans, pasta (not a favorite yet), yogurt (really enjoying these days!), cheese slices, crackers, cheerios..our list of favorites keeps growing!  

The babies are definitely trying to move.  Oliver can get to his hands and knees and "rock" back and forth, Vivian is starting to "army crawl" one or two "crawls" forward, then she'll roll to her back, roll to tummy and toss herself forward and repeat the process a few times.  Their biggest motivators are...my iPhone, the computer, Vivian loves paper of any sort, Oliver wants any toy Vivian has in her hands (although Vivian is starting to protest when he takes her toys).  

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Girls weekend plus O!

So we had a fun weekend!  Friday we had a spontaneous playdate with our friends the Ludwig's!  Saturday we had a scheduled playdate with our cousin Jo-Jo while our Daddy/husband ran a mini marathon in Bloomington!  Matt did great, finishing in 2:20 minutes!  We went for a walk in the warm weather, shopping at the baby store and a few strolls around the yard!  During our playdate Josephine requested to watch "Melmo" (aka Elmo) while the babies finished their morning nap.  Oh no...Aunt "K" has no "Melmo" DVR'd like her mommy and panic began to set in, we needed keep this little lady quiet as to not wake my bad nappers!  Crisis averted, we pulled out Matt's laptop and popped in a DVD!  I told Josephine to not touch any buttons or "Melmo" would go bye-bye.  She sat so happily, like the big girl that she is with a big laptop propped ever so gently on her little itty bitty lap.  Then Miss V woke up and decided to join her!  I'm hopeful they'll grow up to be the bestest of friends!


Josephine "Vivi, no talking during the movie."

Vivian "What's all this 'Melmo' hype about?"

Then my sister stopped by the next day to pick up some things she left behind (naturally, who can possibly remember to take everything in one trip when you have a toddler?)  She showed up wearing the exact same outfit as me?!?!  Jeans, a grey tank top and the exact same black cardigan sweater!  Scary...maybe it's just imbedded in our minds to continue to dress alike after years of our mom dressing us in matching clothes!  Too funny not to post!  Still to this day at Christmas I may be in the middle of opening a gift from my mom and she'll say, "oh wait, Amy open this gift at the same time."  We are still receiving matching/coordinating sweaters, jammies, socks, jewelry...the list goes on and on!  I'm 30, I love it, I wouldn't want it any other way!  My kids are doomed!  :) (Notice they are both in stripes, I can't help myself!)
Oliver and Vivian, "Is this a trick?  Which one is my mommy?"