Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Phone photo dump

Because that's all I ever have one hand...my phone. These are my photo memories.

I love strawberries!

Wearing my big girl shoes!

Mother's day goodies!

Remembering back on my journey to becoming a mother!

Vivian didn't actually take a ride on the boat...her face kind of discribes her true feelings. 

Oliver thought he'd be the driver!

After an afternoon at the lake we hadn't been in the car 2 minutes and this is what I found!

Park fun!

Park fun in with their shades on!

This little lady follows in the footsteps of her big brother and sister and loves to swing!

She loves the water table...

...and the bath!

1 comment:

Joyce said...

I think life is a great adventure. I love this road we are on--so glad I get to be GeeGee on the trip! Precious children!