So I'm in the second week 13 of my pregnancy. Let me explain. I went to the doctor this week for my regular check up and while there I asked about the doctor's official report of my ultrasound. When I had my ultrasound I was told by the technician that I was measuring 7 days smaller then I thought I was. That day I had my ultrasound I thought I was 9 weeks 5 days but in reality the baby was measuring 8 weeks 5 days. The tech told me usually as long as the baby is measuring within 7 days of my predicted gestation they wouldn't probably change my due date but she told me to clarify at my next appointment. So I when I clarified that this week at my appointment the official report written up by the doctor she did indeed bump me back a week. So now our official due date is July 18th.
Below is a picture of me pregnant with Vivian and Oliver...oh my, I am already bigger...this could get very interesting. I better start oiling this belly up or the stretch marks could be vicious!