Friday, June 10, 2011

Pool time fun!

What I've realized recently, the more active my babies are the less I've been able to take pictures.  Maybe it's because we.are.always.moving!  On the go, from one room to another, running errands, pulling up, cruising behind the walker, and just keeping busy.  But...for my "baby book" update I've got a few cute pictures to post! 

Memorial day party with the Ludwig's.  How many babies can one small pool hold?  This pool looked pretty big last year when I bought it to dip my swollen ankles and feet in on while relaxing on the deck.  Put 4 big "kids" in it and as you can see there's hardly room for their legs!  Vivian is just thrilled to be in a pool with a couple other "bachelors".  

 Yea!  Vivian likes to swim!

 Our first dip in a "real" pool.  We went swimming at Aunt Amy's pool and both babies enjoyed themselves!

 Splash, splash, splash!

 Aunt A snuggles O.

Miss V thinks she's a big, big girl!


Joyce said...

Splish, splash! Looks like you have a couple water babies! They sure look happy in the water! Love it!

Unknown said...

I love the "clown" pool! Looks like it time to get a little bigger kids pool.

Do you and Amy have the same swimming suit? Just different colors? Gifts from your mom? :)

The babies are so cute it just kills me!

Pam said...

Fun summer days! Lots of smiles all around! Great photos!

Lesley Everett said...

Hi it looks like you had fun at the pool! I, too, love unhappy baby faces, is that weird? I can't wait to see you guys in August.