Wednesday, January 26, 2011

7 months...seriously?

Where has the time gone...just yesterday I was posting that they were 2 months old, then 3 months, 4 months...well, you get the idea.  Time is flying by, I'd like to put things on pause!  We have been having a really fun time the past month.  We are having great, fun filled days full of playing!  Here is our 7 month baby book update of sorts! a happy, growing little girl.  Her most recent weight on our home scale was 14 pounds this past Sunday.  She takes 4 bottles per day eating 3 - 6 ounces per bottle.  Vivian is wearing a size 2 diapers.  We had a few good weeks of eating large volumes (one day taking just over 23 ounces) and now she's back to eating more like 16 - 18 ounces per day....which is still great!  She's still enjoying spoon feeding and has tried a few new foods in the past month.  The complete list of foods is as follows: sweet potatotes, squash, pears, applesauce, green beans, carrots, peas, mangos, peaches, and spinach.  I think she prefers the veggies over the fruits.  Some days she surprises me and eats almost equal to her brother and some days she's tight lipped after a 10 or 15 spoonfuls.  She really enjoys feeding herself MumMums.  Vivian's skills include, rolling from her tummy to her back (she does this so well and swiftly she still has a hard time squeaking in her tummy time each day), grabbing her toes, and in the past few days has been sitting up for up to 60 seconds at a time before she looses her balance.  She's still not quite rolling from her back to her belly but if we get her about half way she can get there....she's so close!  Vivian is warming up to her pacifier but mostly just when she lays down for a nap or bedtime.  She enjoys chewing on books and can have an entire corner nibbled off if you turn your back too long!  Her two bottom teeth are more then half way out.  She still likes light up toys that make silly sounds.  Napping is getting better but still needs 3 naps a day to make it to bedtime (1 to 2 hours for the first 2 naps and then usually just a 30 minute cat nap for the 3rd nap).  Bedtime is around 7:30 to 8 o'clock.  She loves bath time, getting a bath about every other day.  Vivian sleeps about 11 - 12 hours per night only needing us to "attend" to her about once a week in the night!  She can grab her own pacifier and put it in her mouth all by herself, YEA!

Oliver, my big boy!  His most recent weight on our home scale was 19 pounds this past Sunday.  He takes 4 bottles per day eating 8 ounces per bottle, 32 ounces per day.  Oliver is wearing size 2-3 diapers and size 4 diaper to bed.  The complete list of foods is as follows: sweet potatotes, squash, pears, applesauce, green beans, carrots, peas, mangos, peaches, and spinach.  Oliver enjoys all foods and "talks and gripes" in between every bite when the service is slow.  He still loves MumMums as well.  Oliver's skills include, rolling from tummy to back and back to tummy, rolling and rolling and rolling across the room, Oliver has yet to grab his toes unless he's sitting up and then he's very interested in them.  Oliver can sit up unassisted for 5 - 10 minutes at a time before his head gets too heavy to hold up and he needs a break.  Oliver LOVES his pacifier and it's in his mouth more then it's out.  Oliver has one bottom tooth (the snaggle tooth we call it) but it's partner is working its way out I'm just sure of it, he is still a major drooler.  Oliver is still a fan of light up toys that make silly sounds.  Napping is getting better but still needs 3 naps a day to make it to bedtime (1 to 2 hours for the first 2 naps and then usually just a 30 minute cat nap for the 3rd nap).  Bedtime is around 7:30 to 8 o'clock.  He loves bath time, getting a bath about every other day.  Oliver sleeps about 11 - 12 hours per night and we haven't been into his room at night in about 2 weeks!  He can grab his pacifier and put it in his own mouth YEA!

Here's a photo of the babies' "lovies".  These are also known as burp cloths!  They chose them as their "lovie".  Both babies love them, suck on them, wave them in the air like a S.O.S flag, play peek-a-boo with them, and use them for their intended purpose...a burp rag.  I could (and still may) write an entire blog post just dedicated to their love of these burp rag/lovies.  We have 16 of joke!  At any given time you can find 5 -10 of them laying around the house and a stack of clean ones on the end table.  

Vivian practicing sitting up...."Mommy this is a little too close!"

The behind shot...

Oliver is a big boy holding his own bottle!

Not the best picture of Oliver but this is Papaw holding  his grand-babies!  He stopped by to help us with a "plumbing issue"....oh the memories!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Photo fun

 Getting ready for a dinner of homemade sweet potatoes and homemade peaches with applesauce.  Can you tell who's more excited for dinner??  

She loves to feed herself and chew on the spoon! 

Oliver loves to feed himself as well but appreciates when his spoon is refilled with more yummies.   

Both babies LOVE Mum Mum's.  Vivian eats hers slowly and enjoys each little bite... 

Oliver shoves his in his mouth where it instantly breaks into about 4 pieces and gobbles it up in seconds!

An after bath snuggle with Daddy. 

Keeping warm with Mommy 

Snowy days bring....indoor stroller rides! 

Watching it snow... 

Happy to be hanging out with mommy on a snowy day! 

My mom purchased this hat for my niece, Josephine, before she was born so we decided Vivian should have a little "photo session" modeling it as well! 

Monday, January 10, 2011

A few pictures....and a brief update

So just a few things to update here in the Hursh home.  Oliver too has joined his sister in the agony of getting his first tooth.  I can only see one that has broken through the gum.  Like his sister it's one of his bottom middle teeth.  I said to my sister this evening that I wished it's neighbor would join in on the fun so we could get it over with all at the same time and she so kindly reminded me this is just the first of about 30 teeth!  Are they all so much "fun"?  Her daughter is getting some molars right now she confirmed...the "fun" never stops!  Buckle up, it's gonna be a wild ride! 

Since my last post, Vivian has found her feet (better late then never!) and Oliver can sit up unassisted for a handful of minutes at a time before he loses his balance. 

"What's this on my head mommy?"  Too busy to smile....

 Those toes are always in her hands these days.  

We got some new bath seats to put in the tub so we can bathe the babies together....
Vivian in her seat.... (she peed the instant she got into the "community" bath...we just rolled with it, I'm sure she's done it before and will do it again!)

Oliver drooling away in his seat.  

The best "group" shot I could get...let's just say I think we may wait a bit before we attempt the "group" bath the end of the bath I was nearly in the tub with them and babies are very slippery when they are wet!

Play time! (Even though Oliver's eyebrows are light, they are the identical to his Daddy's!)

This is a series of shots of Oliver trying to roll from his back to his tummy, which in turn meant "landing" on Vivian.   This happens many times throughout the day....

"Let me move you outta my way Vivian."

"There we go." -Oliver
"Are you gonna help me Mom?" -Vivian

I'm a big, big boy!