When do you stop saying how many weeks old your babies are instead say how many months old they are? Well for me it starts today! Our babies are 4 months old. I can't keep up with the weeks anymore and when I have to stop and think too long I look silly (By the way, they are 18 weeks old today)!
What a busy week we've had...lots to update.
- Matt went to China for a week, left the very same day I went back to work...stress! But the babies did great and work was good. They had a little welcome pitch-in for me, yummo...very sweet, right down to the welcome back sign! Even better, the babies and I survived a week on our own...well, sorta on our own. My mom and sister took turns staying with me through the night. I was supposed to work last night but took advantage of our low census and volunteered to be called off...pathetic I know! Day 2 and I'm already requesting to be off! With Matt being gone for a week it was nice to get life back to our new "normal" and I did indeed get to stay home all night!
- It's been exactly one week and one day since we took Vivian's feeding tube out. We've had some good days and some bad days but that's to be expected. Some feedings are harder than others. She may always be a challenging feeder but as long as we have a happy baby we are happy. She's taking 13 to 18 ounces per day. Go Vivian!
- Last night Vivian officially moved out of our room! She didn't go far, in fact just across the hall to the office but she was getting to be too noisy at night, moving all over her pack 'n play. In fact when she woke to eat last night around 4 she had done a complete 180 degree turn in her bed! We are still feeding her through the night once or twice, whenever she wakes up to get a few extra ounces in her! Oliver has been sleeping better and better. We didn't go in there once last night to give him a pacifier "fix". He went 12 hours without needing a thing! Go Oliver!
- The babies went to the pediatrician this week for their 4 month appointment. With that they received their 4 month vaccines and weighed in. Oliver weighs 16 pounds 4 ounces! Vivian weighs 12 pounds 5 ounces and she's worked hard for every ounce :) The doctor was pleased with their developmental progress. She said they were right on track for 4 month olds. They both hold toys in their hands and put them in their mouth, make good eye contact, smile, coo, bear weight on their legs, bring their hands mid-line, look at their hands like "what is that attached to my arm?", bat at toys, and kick their legs with excitement to name a few. Both are spending a little more time on their bellies and in fact have rolled over a handful of times (belly to back) each time with some cheerleading and coaching from us! I'm not sure they know why or how it happened because they look so surprised when they get to their back. Both babies are interested in "gnawing" on their thumb and hands.
We had another play date with my friend Natalie and her little boy Brock, who is about 8 weeks younger then our babies.
We had another play date with Josephine and our friend Erica and her little girl Alice. Josephine and her CRAZY hair enjoyed a little ride in the swing.
Alice is about a month younger then our babies.
Vivian's sweet little shoes.
Clean, fresh faced Vivian!
Both babies trying some oatmeal.
Vivian, keeping her eye on Oliver's food.
I looked over and Oliver was asleep! That boy can fall asleep anywhere!
Welcome home from China, Daddy!
Snuggles with Daddy after his long week gone!
Vivian's slippers!
This picture was taken this morning at 4:15 am. I went to feed Vivian and I found Zoe sitting in Oliver's bouncie seat, in the dark. Typically, she wouldn't have sat there even if I wanted! I do believe she is sleeping sitting up. Recently, Matt and I have noticed Zoe has been a little jealous of our time spent with the babies. No sooner then we both sit down to feed a baby, she is at the back door needing to go potty. Last night she wanted to sit in my lap that was already occupied by Vivian who was eating. She scratched and scratched at my leg, hoping I could hold both??
Well, hello there ZoZo. Whatcha doin?
Coordinating jammies, 18 weeks old!