...and we are almost 30 weeks! It's generally about this time during each week I start telling people I'll be _________ (fill in the blank by rounding up to the next week) on Sunday. Sunday is the day I turn a new week. So if you asked me today, I would say "I'll be 30 weeks on Sunday." This past week has presented a real change. Last week the weather was cool and I was feeling good in my capri's and even a long sleeved shirt. This past week it's been HOT and HUMID! We skipped spring! Every day for almost a week we've reached close to 90 degrees. People have said to me since the day I announced we were due in August, "it's going to be a hot summer for you!" I laughed and thought, I can take it, I like the heat, bring it on. Well, it's here! I'm the type of person, I generally swell in the summer...fingers look like sausages, and my feet don't like to be put in "shoes", well this is a whole new ball game! Wow! I almost couldn't get my work shoes on this past Monday, and they are backless! It's ok, I'll make it work. Matt might be sleeping in his snowsuit but I'll be comfortable! I'm still feeling ok, contractions still come and go.
Speaking of Matt, recently I diagnosed him with "Couvade Syndrome", this is a real syndrome, I am not making this up! In a little book I have called "Your Pregnancy Day by Day" I came across a small section on this particular syndrome. The syndrome is defined by "a man sharing some of the same pregnancy symptoms as his partner beginning in the first trimester and continuing until birth." It all started in my first trimester when Matt claimed to be "sooo tired" and I thought wait, aren't I supposed to be the one that was exhausted? Didn't think much of it but then when I was maybe 15 weeks or so he started having cravings, he used that word even. He "craved" Mexican food for a few weeks! I don't think I've claimed to have been craving anything throughout this entire pregnancy...although I have taken advantage of the foods I typically try to limit in my diet (ice cream, icing, white cake with white icing...you get the point). His recent complaints are his heartburn and one day a few weeks ago he came home from work and showed me the pitting edema in his legs from his work socks! Too funny, I just laugh! The only thing he hasn't shared with me is the weight gain....and I'll tell you I've put forth my best efforts in helping him gain weight with me, yet no such luck. I feel like I can truly say I haven't been going through this pregnancy alone!
So in week 29 the babies muscles and lungs continue to mature. Their heads are getting bigger to accommodate their growing brains and their skeletons are now hardening. I had my glucose tolerance test last week and I passed! That just means I can keep eating my white cake with white icing (in moderation of course!).
Not much else to report. I've recruited my mom into helping me put the finishing touches on the nursery this weekend so hopefully I'll have some more exciting pictures to post next week.
Supported Employment: The End of an Era
1 week ago