Monday, June 27, 2011

Florida Vaction

We did it!  We made it to Florida and back all in one piece!  We left last Saturday around 6 PM and made it to Florida, with 3 very quick stops, by 6 AM.  My mom, dad, sister and Josephine had arrived that afternoon before. So they were there to greet us and take over for a few hours so Matt and I could get some rest once we put the babies down for their first nap.  The babies slept great in the car with minimal waking once they fell asleep around 9ish.  The babies slept great in their pack 'n plays as well.  We had a few "practice" naps in the pack 'n plays before we left.  Vivian had her own room and Oliver drew the short stick and slept in the very large walk in closet in our room.  They both did great!  Never made a fuss to go down for a nap or bedtime.   Since the babies have been home from the hospital and moved to their own rooms they've never slept anywhere but their own cribs so I was a little nervous but they did great!  The house we rented had a private pool which was fabulous!  The babies would get into swim with us a couple times a day and we'd lay by the pool during naps and swim in the evening too.  The beach was about a 15 minute walk which was great too.  The week went by fast and we are already looking forward to going back!  It was great to go with family to have the extra hands to help with our very active babies.  

Pool fun!

The babies first look at the ocean.

The first time for their toes to touch the ocean water.  

My sister and I looking out at the ocean with our daughters....while my dad looks on too.  

Having a Daddy/son moment.  

That was exhausting, time to stroll back to the house!

Day #2 at the beach, we all got in and got very sandy and wet!

Chatting with Vivian.  

We came all the way to Florida to watch Super Why...haha, it came on the TV and all 3 babies were hooked!

Day #3 at the beach we attempted a photo shoot.  
The only semi-willing participant in our "photo shoot".

Vivian was very unhappy to participate in sitting in the sand.  

Vivian: Someone help me!  Oliver: What's her problem?

Oliver: Where'd she go?

Try #2 still an unhappy Vivian and Oliver has taken to playing/eating the sand.  

Josephine: Why do you want me to stand next to them?  And by this point we've given the babies a snack to help make them happy.  So now Oliver is eating a "sandy" snack.  

Josephine says: I'm outta here!

Finally enjoying the view (with their snack).  

Pretty girl!

We had a baby pool for the babies to enjoy too.  

Having a mother/daughter snuggle!

Matt and I made it to the beach without the kids to enjoy some relaxation by the water for just a bit!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Pool time fun!

What I've realized recently, the more active my babies are the less I've been able to take pictures.  Maybe it's because we.are.always.moving!  On the go, from one room to another, running errands, pulling up, cruising behind the walker, and just keeping busy.  But...for my "baby book" update I've got a few cute pictures to post! 

Memorial day party with the Ludwig's.  How many babies can one small pool hold?  This pool looked pretty big last year when I bought it to dip my swollen ankles and feet in on while relaxing on the deck.  Put 4 big "kids" in it and as you can see there's hardly room for their legs!  Vivian is just thrilled to be in a pool with a couple other "bachelors".  

 Yea!  Vivian likes to swim!

 Our first dip in a "real" pool.  We went swimming at Aunt Amy's pool and both babies enjoyed themselves!

 Splash, splash, splash!

 Aunt A snuggles O.

Miss V thinks she's a big, big girl!