Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011...The Hursh Family Farm!

We (Matt and I) look ridiculous but aren't those cows cute!

Come on Oliver let's go...

Ok...the fun's over...

Oliver trick-or-treating at his own front door!

Scottsdale vacation, 1st plane ride

If what you see here is controlled chaos...well, then the picture did a good job depicting the story!  Vivian looks like a ragamuffin, and Oliver was busy entertain all of the passengers around us.  (side note: this is picture was taken in the last 5 minutes of the 1st flight...and my dad is still smiling!)This is our only picture of the fact that yes, in deed we did get on a plane and take a 3 hour and 45 minute flight to Scottsdale, AZ!  My parents "workactioned" with us because it's always nice to have extra hands!  The trip was a success and it was nice to get away to have a break from the everyday routine.  

Vivian and her Daddy, again with french onion dip on her lips.  That little lady loves dip!

The babies enjoying their own personal pool.  

This series of photos shows exactly what it takes to get a semi-acceptable family photo.  Vivian is trying desperately to get into the water behind us and Oliver wants to get down and run.  

Oliver petting the dog sculpture.   

Vivian digging in the dirt.  

Swimming in the hot tub we used as a pool because the actual pool wasn't heated and was quite chilly.  

Family dinner.  

Vivian in the hand-me-down dress I bought for her cousin Josephine the day my sister found out she was pregnant with a little girl.  

The view I see all day long looking down at my feet.  "HOLD ME PLEASE!"  How can I say no to that precious face?!

Family photo attempt #248

Oliver loves to run and be outside, he's one happy boy!

Papaw chasing after Vivian the walker!


Still running!

Pretty little lady.  

Oliver sporting his "In-n-out" hat.  We all got to enjoy Matt's favorite burger spot (twice)!  Yum 

Where do I begin?

We've been busy!  And I'm behind on my blogging yet again...

Since I last updated the babies turned 16 months old!  We've had play dates, been to more IU football games (or should I say tailgated with friends because we never actually made it back into the stadium after the 1st game) played at the park, visited with family, Vivian became a full time walker, Oliver learned to mooooo like a cow and roar like a lion, went to the pumpkin patch, vacationed in Arizona, took our first (and second) plane ride and celebrated Halloween!  Whew...we made it!  For now we'll just start with the 1st half of the past month.  I need to dedicate an entire post to vacation and another entire post to Halloween!

Vivian and Emme discussing their plans to become IU cheerleaders.  

After the IU game we had one of my bestest friends from college stop by to finally meet the babies.  Living 3+ hours apart has really made getting together challenging but we were so lucky she fit us in during their busy trip through town.   Lisa's daughter Avery and son Wyatt.  Oliver is talking on their Grandma's  (aka Webble) cell phone...so he thinks.  4 kids in a photo...not a bad shot!

 A play date at the mall with cousin Josephine.

Aunt A helps the babies down the slide.   

One of the last warm days of the season so we headed to the park in our Colts gear.  Even with the loosing season, we are still fans! 

A more successful playdate at the museum.