So it's been quite some time since I've updated our blog and boy have we had some life changes!
We've tucked ourselves into our new home but there was something after a little more effort then the average couple (if you want all the details I can fill you in personally but not everyone wants the full explanation) we are excited to announce we are pregnant! And as Matt likes to say..."but there's a bit of a twist", we are having twins! You read that correctly, twins! It's still soaking in for me too, just typing it doesn't seem like I could possibly be talking about myself! Our official due date is August 10th. We couldn't be more excited, thrilled, nervous, giddy, blessed to share this news with all of our family and friends.
We plan to use this blog to keep everyone updated on our changing life and growing babies! Currently I am in my 12th week of this exciting adventure and I hope to update frequently so check back often for the newest post!
Thanks in advance for all of your prayers, help, phone calls, tips, emails, and encouraging words....they say it takes a village to raise a family...with 2 coming at the same time I believe it!
Supported Employment: The End of an Era
1 week ago